Of the many youth fundraiser events, this one could be the most fun. There is probably a lot of undiscovered talent in your city, so you’ll never run out of performers. And, everyone loves to watch their children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews perform, so you’ll have a built in audience.
Get the word out early
Your group will want to promote this heavily in local newspapers and schools to attract a wide variety of acts and get plenty of competition. Advertise early enough to give your fund raising group time to prepare for the main event, such as holding auditions, getting sponsors, securing a theater, purchasing supplies, etc. This will also allow time for the performers to practice their acts.
Elect judges from your fund raising group and hold auditions at a school, recreation or community center. Try to get a variety of acts like singing, dancing, instrument playing (individual or in bands), acting, juggling, comedy, lip-synching, etc. Your group could even invite parents and teachers to perform.
The event itself is best held where there is a stage and tiered seating, so everyone has a good view. School auditoriums or movie theaters are best.
Since the talent show fund raiser normally runs for only a couple of hours, it can be held any evening of the week or on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
Charge an entry fee for each performer or group and also a fee for spectators to see the show. Make extra money by providing snacks and refreshments.
Get sponsors to pay for incidentals like paper plates, plastic cups and forks, decorations, tickets, tables and table cloths, etc.
And the winner is…
Award prizes based upon each category and a best of show winner. Prizes can be trophies, ribbons or even gift certificates to local merchants. Of course, get sponsors to pay for the prizes if possible.
Another idea
Videotape the event and sell copies to the participants, their relatives, and any one else interested. Be sure to hand out order forms to people as they enter the event. It’s easier to get orders before the event than after.
Also see: [scratchcard fundraising] [candy] [cookie dough]