
Kathryn Beich candy bars are considered among the tastiest and most sought-after candy products available today. The candies, known as Katydids, are made from a delicious blend of pecans and caramel covered with superior quality chocolate; a recipe that Kathryn Beich created herself.

Even better than the Katydid candy tastiness though, is the katydids candy fundraiser to help raise money for non-profit groups like schools, churches and sports teams.

Tips to Boost the Results of Your Katydids Fundraiser

  1. Buy your Kathryn Beich candies for the best price

    Kathryn Beich Katydids Chocolate – known as “Turtles” are the perfect candy fundraiser because people love them

Don’t be one of those many groups that often overlook a key factor in planning a Kathryn Beich fundraiser – the budget plan and buying products at the best price.

To create the budget plan, get your committee or group for a meeting and start deciding on a budget. This way, you will be able to work within a specific and set budget. Obviously, a good way to stick to the planned budget effectively is to buy products at the best price.

  1. Prepare and Equip Your Sales Force

You want to make sure to maximize the profits for your Kathryn Beich fundraising event. It can only be possible if your sales are properly prepared and equipped. The preparation entails knowing what they have to say to generate more profits and it should be combined with the right campaign promotional materials like flyers.

The sales force needs to be prepared in making a prospect list of neighbors, friends and families to call on as well. Of course, they need to practice the sales pitch, which should be composed of a short value proposition. For them to sell more, they need to smile, greet the prospect with their names, introduce themselves and give prospective buyers reasons to buy the products.

Remember that every prospect has their potential value to the organization, so you need to take advantage of it and use it to generate more profits.

  1. Beich Candy Fundraising Sales Strategy

It is your goal to maximize the results of your fundraiser. To do that, you will need to have a committed and well-prepared sales force to call on neighbors, families and friends.

More than that, you also need to sell to complete strangers and, perhaps, include a discount card or some other incentive for larger purchases to boost sales.

  1. Promote, Promote, Promote

Like any candy fundraiser, for your Katydid fundraiser to be a success, it needs to be exposed and be known. Hence, publicity is always a good strategy and it needs to be done well in advance.

Begin your promotional campaign a month or so ahead of time to get preorders and build awareness. Put up posters, send mailings and emails to your contacts and contact everyone you know.

  1. Don’t Forget to Show Your Appreciation

Once the candy fundraising is done, remember to follow it up with a nice thank you letter. It’s not just meant to demonstrate your sincere appreciation, but also to give your supporters that sense of reward and satisfaction for helping with your cause.

You want your fundraising event to be a success. You can ensure that by following these tips whenever you plan to sell candy for fundraising.

Katydids candy for sale for fundraisers

GoGo-Fund – All the best fundraising ideas & the best fundraising products. The stellar products at GoGo-Fund – including Katydids Candy have a proven track record in the fundraising community. That means you’ll raise lots of money for your group.

Fundraising.com – Carries that delicious Kathryn Beich chocolate candy known as Katydids and several other well-known chocolate brands too, including the chocolate for a Hershey fundraiser. Get your Kathryn Beich catalog here.