
Make money for your fundraising group and do something wonderful for your community and our planet. When you combine ink jet recycling and a fundraiser you can accomplish both.

Unlike most other school, college, or church fund raisers, when you merge fund raising and recycling, there is no need to sell anything.  You are merely taking people’s trash from them.  There are no pushy sales talks or guilt sales here, and the money will come rolling in.  Plus, this can be an ongoing fundraiser.

Money from junk

There are some reputable companies that will happily take the laser and ink cartridges that you collect and turn them into cash for your school or group.

These companies offer excellent rates, especially for the minimal effort that you and your
ink jet cartridgesteam will go through to collect the cartridges. But laser and ink jet recycling fundraisers are about more than just the money.

These companies are dedicated to educating people about protecting the environment and will provide information and worksheets to educate your students and to really motivate them into collecting. This will make your ink jet recycling an efficient, educational and effortless money raising plan.

This fund raiser is not a short term project either. While it can raise large amounts of money in a short time, it is also a long term project. People will not stop using their printers and will always have empty laser and ink jet cartridges. By providing boxes both in school and in other areas where there is a high level of traffic you will guarantee your school or college an income that can be used for any project no matter when it is needed.

Residual income

Additionally, let the people and companies from whom you collect the cartridge donations know that you’ll be back every month for their ink jet cartridges. Give them a special bright-colored box for collections so they remember you.

Overall a fund raiser like this is one full of potential that offers great rewards for any school willing to give it a try, it takes minimal effort and there are lots of companies willing to help.

Combine this with another recycling idea – cell phone fund raising donations – for even better results.

Ink Jet Recycling Fundraiser Directory

FundingFactory’s Recycling Program encourages learning institutions across the country to collect empty laser and inkjet printer cartridges and used cell phones from their communities. These include used cell phones and printer cartridges consumed in both homes and businesses. Collected qualifying items earn points (or cash), which are then exchanged for new computer technology and recreation equipment.


Don’t forget to thank your sponsors! Click here for sample wording for donation thank you notes. All free, no registration necessary.