Restaurant fundraising is particularly well-suited to groups that want to sell products but are frustrated with the ordering, storing and delivery process – not to mention the tendency for some of those products to be overpriced.
It’s difficult to ask someone to buy something from you knowing that they could swing by the local grocery store and pick up the same item for less than half the price you’re selling it for, even if it is for a good cause.
A cool idea
With this fund raiser idea you can bypass buying overpriced fundraising products and avoid the product storage and delivery problems as well. You can buy dining certificates to local restaurants for a deep discount and resell them to your supporters for face value (or less if you prefer). You don’t even need to wait for the mail because you can order as many or as few as you need and simply print them out on your own printer.
Where to get them provides discounted restaurant certificates that your customers can redeem at restaurants of their choice. The certificates sell for 50% off. You purchase the restaurant certificates for $10 and sell them for $20 and your supporter gets a $50 restaurant discount certificate to use at an eatery of their choosing.
So your customers help your fundraiser group raise money and they get to go to restaurants of their choice for a significant savings. And it gives them an excuse to try new restaurants.
Of course, you can also buy them to use as gifts or just for your own use to save money, or to try new places you’ve never been to. Restaurant fundraising has never been this easy.
Click here to SAVE on Dining!
Click here for more fundraising ideas.