
If you are looking for something that you can sell and win the hearts of people, then flower bulbs could be the right pick. Flower bulb fundraising brings something natural, eco-friendly and appealing to a wide cross section of people. Also, flower fundraising is easy to manage because flower bulbs are products that sell like hot cakes. Best of all, it blooms great profits for your cause or organization.

A flower fund raiser is equally good for the home, office, club, or school program. Good quality bulbs are the best choice for carefree indoor gardening, where they grow, bloom, and make for pleasant gifts.tulips

For fundraisers, there is wide choice such as pre-potted Amaryllis in gift boxes, fragrant indoor hyacinths, and a lot more. They are typically offered for a price that is less than the retail price. As an added bonus, some merchants provide free shipping, but there is usually a minimum amount for which you have to place an order.

Flowers are a delightful fundraiser since their enchanting colors and spectacular blooms lure in customers to your sponsoring organization. Typically, the bulbs are guaranteed and in case they fail to grow well or perish, a free replacement is given. Thus your customers get excellent value for the money they spend.

The huge client base for flower fund raising include organizations such as school bands, athletic groups, civic groups, garden clubs, scouts, church groups, youth groups, and many other non profit organizations. They have realized through years of experience that flower bulb fundraisers are a practical way to beautify their community. It also gives people the opportunity to add color and aroma to the interiors of their homes and offices.

Some organizations go for an on-the-spot sale during certain public activities in October such as school book fairs, car washes, football games, church festivals, local farmer’s markets etc. One thing to bear in mind is the flower bulbs should reach the buyers in time, normally after the first frost, when ground starts cooling down.

Flower Bulb Fundraising Suppliers

Fundraising.com – As part of our powerful online fundraising tools, in addition to other products, you can offer your supporters a variety of flower bulbs, all from the comfort of your home with your own free and easy to set up web page. Click here to see how easy it is.



Another flower fundraising idea